Reflexology For Headaches

11 Studies:

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  Headache, Migraine  

Study Conducted:





  Not indicated.  



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  16 clients, with migraine headaches were given reflexology. All had taken medicine before starting. Evaluation was through a questionnaire (with closed and open questions), completed by each participant, with a later follow-up. Some had telephone interviews. The purpose of including the users in an evaluation of treatment measures and the effect of these measures was to learn from users' experiences, in order that a development and qualification of treatment measures can take place and make them optimally useful for patients/clients in their daily life. Project results are presented in 16 case stories, which indicated a decrease or discontinuation of medicine intake.



Reflexology was critical to the success for the great majority of the participants. Medicine intake was either decreased or discontinued due to the lessening of headache symptoms.

Reflexology Research provided courtesy of the
American Academy of Reflexology
, Bill Flocco, Director.

Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Classes, Reflexology Certification,
Continuing Education ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, many Cities, and States.



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