Reflexology for Hypertension
5 Studies:
Nerves, Hypertension, Pregnancy |
Study Conducted: |
Country: |
Institution: |
China |
Foot Reflexology Service Center |
Xu, Y., and S.X., "Hypertension of Pregnancy Treated with Foot Reflexology." 1996 China Reflexology Symposium Report. Beijing : China Reflexology Association, pages 68-69. |
A 33 year old female patient, who was pregnant, had hypertension, dizziness, high blood pressure, hydramnios, edema of lower extremities, oliguria, frequency of micturation and an abnormal fetal position. She was given 18 sessions of foot reflexology focusing on genito-urinary, immune and endocrine systems, head, cerebellum, brainstem, heart, lungs, spleen, liver, chest and diaphragm reflexes. After the first session, the fetal movement increased; and after the 2nd session, her urine volume increased, and micturation decreased. After the 3rd session, her edema was resolved and she had a normal baby and uneventful delivery. Her antepartum blood pressure was 120/80. |
Foot reflexology was found to be effective in relieving the symptoms of hypertension, shorten duration of delivery, increasing the rate of spontaneous labor, and improving the health of mothers and babies. |
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