Miscellaneous Reflexology Studies

4 Studies:

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  Pain Management  

Study Conducted:



  United States
of America
  East Carolina University, School of Nursing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



Stephenson, N. L. N., and Dalton, J., “Using Reflexology For Pain Management.” Journal of Nursing, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 179-191 (2003)


  This article presents a summary of the literature about reflexology including:
1. Origin and cases using reflexology
2. Theoretical bases for reflexology in pain management
3. Reflexology research
a. Reflexology mechanisms and reflexology use in nonpainful conditions
b. Reflexology with painful conditions


  More research in reflexology is needed to address the deficiencies in the existing literature, including more complete sample descriptions and better, cross-sectional sample selections.

Reflexology Research provided courtesy of the
American Academy of Reflexology
, Bill Flocco, Director.

Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Classes, Reflexology Certification,
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