Wang, G., "Exploration of Bilateral Foot Massage in Treating Upper Respiratory Tract Infection." 1993 China Reflexology Symposium Report, Beijing : China Reflexology Association, pages 75-76.
A 24 yr old male, with and upper respiratory tract infection and symptoms including fever, headache, and throat pain, was given 20 minutes of bilateral foot reflexology after unsuccessful treatments with Chinese and western medication. Tenderness was noted on both feet at the heart, trigeminal, thyroid, neck, cerebrum, lung, throat, trachea, thoracic lymphs and upper and lower lymph reflexes. After 20 minutes the temper-ature decreased to 0.20 degrees C and it decreased 1 degree C 45 minutes after 2nd treatment, and 0.6 degrees C after 4 hours.
Foot reflexology was shown to be superior over drug therapy for upper respiratory tract infection.