Reflexology for Thyroid
3 Studies:
Study Conducted: |
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China |
Foot Massage Clinic of Linquing City |
Wang, H., "Exploration of the Treatment for Hyperthyroidism with Foot Reflexotherapy." 1996 China Reflexology Symposium Report, Beijing : China Reflexology Association, pages 34-36 |
3 cases of females, ages 33-39, with various symptoms of hyperthyroidism (including increase of nerves excitability, acceleration of the oxidizing process, hypermetabolism, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, hyperorexia, excessive appetite, and menstrual irregularity) were given foot reflexology along with comforting and encouragement. After 2-4 sessions, the patients completely recovered. It was noted that thick calluses and lumpy substances under the skin were found in the thyroid reflex, pituitary reflexes were sensitive and those with serious symptoms also tenderness in the heart, stomach, intestine, frontal sinus and eyes reflex. |
Foot reflexology was found to be effective in the relief of hyperthyroidism. |
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